Find your closest teaching couple

Monica DelMedico

Creighton Model method

Monica's story

Monica is currently a fellow at Veranova Health, working closely with Carolyn Tucker and Dr. Beeman, while continuing study in Restorative Reproductive Medicine. At the completion of the fellowship program, patients will be able to schedule appointments with Monica.

Bill & Jessica Davidson

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)

Bill & Jessica's story
Before they even met, Bill and Jessica Davidson had both learned about NFP and became convinced it was one of the best things a couple could do for their marriage. They realized how the Church’s teachings on marriage were a blessing and sought to share it with others. They met in grad school, got married in July 2009, and became teachers in the spring of 2011. The Lord has blessed them with several children.

They love to share about the many blessings they have received in their marriage through the use of NFP, including awareness of health issues and a deeper knowledge and love of one another. They invite anyone interested in visiting the fabulous city of Lakewood to come to their next class so they too can begin to experience the freedom that comes from truly understanding your (fiancée’s/wife’s) fertility. You will be amazed at the intricate design of God’s plan.

Regina Haas

Marquette Method

Gina's story

Gina is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian. She lives in Wadsworth, Ohio with her husband and four children. She struggled navigating NFP with PCOS and eventually gave up trying to use NFP. God kept putting it on her heart that she needed to revisit the different NFP methods and figure it out. She learned the Marquette Method from a coach and liked it so much that she decided to become a coach herself. Gina offers online individual coaching and onsite group classes. Visit for more information. 

Tim & Mary Ellen Jakubisin

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)

Tim & Mary Ellen's story
Tim heard about NFP in high school and decided it made sense to him. When he and Mary Ellen got engaged they signed up for an NFP class. They thought they might need to postpone children a little while. The class was so interesting, a few years later they trained to teach NFP as a form of marriage ministry. They found it very rewarding. It worked well for them postponing and achieving pregnancy; it helped Mary Ellen with her health. Their feedback is that the couples they’ve taught have been very appreciative of the information. Sometimes the couples come of their own idea, sometimes to fulfill a requirement for marriage, but the class attendees have always discovered so much more than they expected!
Fred & Margaret Karboski

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)

Fred & Margaret's story
Fred and Margaret Karboski began practicing NFP just prior to getting married in January 1993. They have found practicing NFP to be a continual blessing on their marriage and their relationship with the Lord.  When their teaching couple “retired” in 2008, they felt called to become a teaching couple since there were so few on the east side of Cleveland. They began teaching in 2010 and have met many wonderful couples as they begin (or continue) their NFP journeys. In addition to teaching NFP, they are also a part of a vibrant pre-cana team at their parish, Holy Rosary, in Little Italy which provides them other opportunities to share the Good News of the Church’s beautiful teaching on marriage, intimacy and family life. They are so passionate about spreading this knowledge that they are always willing to arrange phone consultations or one on one appointments if the scheduled classes do not meet a couples’ needs.
John & Julianne Roberts

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)

John & Julie's story
John and Julie Roberts met in college and were married in the winter of 2003. They are blessed with four beautiful children and look forward to more if God so wills it. NFP has helped them strengthen their communication skills and learn the sacrificial love that is so important in a marriage. It was their desire to share all of the truth and goodness that they received from learning NFP that led them to become a Couple to Couple League teaching couple in 2008. By teaching, they hope to convey these valuable gifts to other couples so that they too can realize the wonder and awesomeness of God’s plan for married life.
Jason & Angela Miller

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)


Jason & Angela's story
Jason and Angela Miller met through the internet in September 2002 and after several years of long distance dating they married in the summer of 2005. Knowing that they would one day want children, but needing to postpone parenthood for health reasons, Jason and Angela have been practicing various forms of NFP since 2006.  Jason and Angela have been a teaching couple with CCL since 2013 and primarily focus on teaching via virtual classes. As of 2015, they have 3 beautiful children on earth (and 2 more in Heaven). NFP has been a great support to their relationship. It has allowed them to really understand the beauty of God’s creation, improve their communication as a couple, and address some underlying medical issues Angela experiences.  They look forward to all the exciting opportunities to come as they work to “Live the Love” and spread knowledge of the Theology of the Body and NFP.
Greg & Susan Radzialowski

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)


Greg & Susan's story
Greg and Susan have been most happily married for 22 years and have been blessed with six children.  They have been Natural Family Planning instructors for 12 years and are also certified couples ministers for the Diocese of Cleveland.  They frequently speak at Pre-Cana programs for the Diocese.  Because NFP has been such a wonderful blessing for their marriage, they are passionately devoted to teaching it. They are excited to share it with other couples so that they too can experience the many benefits.
Scott & Jessica Trahey

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)

Scott & Jessica's story
Scott and Jessica Trahey got married in 2006 and have been practicing NFP ever since.  Over the years they have grown to see God’s design of a man and woman’s fertility as something that can be learned and put into practice for a more natural, spiritual, and healthy lifestyle.  They have been teaching since 2013, with this being just one of the ministries that they are passionate about sharing with others so they can be in close relationship with God.  They encourage others to seek the freedom to be natural, the awareness of health issues/benefits, and the teamwork and mutual respect that NFP offers. They welcomed their third child in October 2015!

Leah Moretz

FEMM and teenFEMM instructor

Leah's story

During my training to become a physician assistant and throughout my career working in the Emergency Department and Urgent Care, I was often taught that the only way to treat certain women’s health issues was by covering up the problem through birth control pills. When I began learning how to chart through NaPro, I found that there was so much information that I was not taught through my schooling. I wanted to be a part of the change to better women’s healthcare, and became certified in teaching FEMM. My passion lies in providing the type of healthcare that addresses the root cause, to care for women holistically.

Bob & Kelly Rybka (Spanish & English)

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)

Bob & Kelly's story
In 1992, Bob and Kelly Rybka were married and started practicing NFP. The benefits of practicing NFP have been numerous, but they particularly have noticed how it has enhanced their communication since it requires that they both be active and engaged in their relationship with one another and their family. They also appreciate having a healthy alternative to other methods of family planning that has strengthened their marriage. For these reasons, among others (to find about them, they’ll see you in class!), they became a teaching couple with CCL.

Jessica Cowen

FEMM and Teen FEMM

Jessica's story

I’m a mother, an owner of a small flower business, and a Certified Public Accountant, whose life and health was so profoundly improved through learning Creighton cycle charting. I knew I had to share this realm of information with more women, which inspired me to become a certified FEMM teacher. I am passionate about teaching women the truth and beauty in the way their bodies were made, and providing compassionate solutions and resources for reproductive healing.

TJ & Colleen Manion

Sympto-thermal method (CCL)

TJ & Colleen's story
TJ and Colleen were married at the Church of the Holy Angels in 2008.  They became teachers of the Sympto-thermal method of NFP through the Diocese of Cleveland in 2011 and were certified to teach through the Couple to Couple League in 2020.  Their dedication to teach NFP and to discuss Theology of the Body is born of a desire to share what they did not fully understand at the start of their marriage. They started off their marriage using hormonal contraception and were led to NFP due to complications with the pill, as well as several other incredible events. The Holy Spirit was clearly at work. As the years have gone by, TJ and Colleen still cannot believe how this one decision has had such an impact on their marriage and family.  They also struggled with infertility.  It was not until they discovered NaProTechology (Natural Procreative Technology), through their connections in the NFP community, that they were able to have children. A NaPro trained doctor looked at Colleen’s charts, identified several issues, completed testing and then treated the underlying causes of their infertility. They have now been blessed with four beautiful children. TJ and Colleen are happy to help couples along their NFP journey and hear God’s call for us to live joyfully in our marriages
Allison B. Jung, PA, FCP, NFPMC 

Creighton Model 

Allison Jung's story
I have been a Physician Assistant in OB/GYN for the last 18 years.  For most of that time, I was taught there were no answers to cure symptoms of endometriosis, PMS, irregular cycles, painful periods, post-partum depression, or even acne without birth control.  I struggled with some of these problems myself, and personally had to deal with the side effects of this so-called “treatment”.  It wasn’t until my own struggle with infertility that I realized the causes of my symptoms were not treated at all, but masked with the artificial hormones.  I finally found the Creighton Model System and NaproTecnology in 2014.  Within only 3 months of using the system, the underlying disorder causing my symptoms was discovered.  I was “all-in”.  I then went to Omaha where I received training in NaproTechnology and found the natural treatments of my own problems as well as for countless others.  I was fortunate to be able to work in a NaproTechnology clinic in Louisiana for two years.  I am now ecstatic to share this information in the Cleveland area, and help women take control of their own health and experience freedom in their fertility.
Kelsey Vukov  

Marquette Method 

Kelsey's story
Kelsey Vukov lives in Evanston, IL with her husband and two children. She is a master’s prepared Registered Nurse and has worked in acute care, community, and educational settings. She is a certified Marquette Model Natural Family Planning teacher. In addition to fertility education and support, she also enjoys supporting and encouraging people with their breastfeeding journey.  Kelsey offers online distance learning and support for the Marquette Model NFP including postpartum/breastfeeding MM NFP support. 


Tina Anghilante 

Creighton Model

Tina's story
Tina instructs women and couples in the Creighton Method of NFP. Her interest in the Creighton Model began when she and her husband were having difficulty conceiving.  Her motivation to become a Creighton practitioner stemmed not only from her personal experience, but also from her desire to spread knowledge of the Creighton method and its medical branch, NaPro Technology. When it comes to achieving and maintaining healthy pregnancies Creighton and NaPro Technology are much more effective than the morally challenged and expensive techniques used in artificial reproductive technologies. Tina is a physical therapist. Her studies of physiology provide her a solid knowledge base with which to teach and explain the science behind the Creighton Model of NFP.  She is enthused to teach this effective means to achieve or avoid pregnancy and to monitor a woman’s health.
Anna Grace Shaffer, FCP

Creighton Model

Anna Grace's story
NFP is what gave my  husband and I the necessary tools to commmunicate effectively about our needs and desires as hopeful future parents AND provide us a space to actively discern this together.

Having Creighton as a part of our marriage has undoubtedly set us on a pattern of partnership that will continue for the rest of our lives together.

Samantha Kopy, RN, BSN, MMST 

Marquette Model

Samantha's story

Ever since she converted to Catholicism in high school, Samantha knew Natural Family Planning was something she would use in the future. She was always attracted to following God’s design regarding health and the idea of working with our bodies instead of against our bodies has been a guiding principle for her life. After graduating with her Nursing degree from Franciscan University in 2016 and learning the Creighton Model, she married her husband, and moved to Northeast Ohio in 2019. While she was expecting her first child she first heard about the Marquette Model and knew immediately she would want to become an instructor to share the knowledge of this unique method with those that it could benefit, especially locally in the Cleveland area! 

Samantha is currently a Marquette Method Student Teacher.