NEO-NFP was delighted to host FACTS presenter Jessica Davidson yesterday for an enlightening and energetic presentation of the beauty of the female fertility cycle.

Pictured FACTS presenter Jessica Davidson, FACTS Project Coordinator Jessica Kramer, Natural Womanhood Editor Mary Rose Somarriba and NEO-NFP host Mary Ellen Jakubisin




Jessica Davidson, FACTS presenter

Attendees appreciated the scientific information, highlighted with personal experience of Jessica from years of teaching and practicing NFP.









FACTS, which stands for Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Science, is a group of medical professionals and educators dedicated to providing the greater medical community with information and quality studies regarding fertility awareness-based methods (FABM) and natural methods of family planning. The organization is gaining momentum as one of the leading sources of medical information for NFP users, especially those seeking to bring their non-NFP Ob/Gyns up to speed about the validity of FABMs.

For information on hosting a FACTS presentation in Cleveland see FACTS Resources Link.